Leasing company insurance fees on leased imaging equipment is an expense you can avoid.

Take a moment to review your most recent imaging equipment lease invoice and look for a line item referencing insurance. In most instances - this is an expense you can avoid.

Why? Leasing companies require insurance coverage for the leased equipment. If they are not provided with proof of insurance within 30-days of initiating the lease, they incorporate coverage as a monthly fee.

At the time of equipment delivery RTR Business Products advises our customers to contact their insurance agent to secure a rider referencing coverage for the leased equipment and to share this with the leasing company.

In addition - the leasing company provides in their "welcome" packet directions for confirming insurance coverage. But - all to often this task is overlooked and unnecessary fees are incurred.

In many cases these fees are over $20 per month. On a 60-month lease your total fees can exceed $1,200. We agree - that's expensive!

Even if you are well into your lease you can lower your monthly expense by taking action now!

Attention to details like this is another example of how RTR Business Products helps you avoid common mistakes to reduce the total cost of your imaging equipment and document management solutions.

Want to learn more? Give us a call - we are here to help you save!


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